Full body check up

Hi folks, I have a Premera Blue Cross shield health insurance. I want to do a full body check up. Which medical provider is good in Lynwood area?

Amazon amazonlog Apr 25

Premera is good

Palo Alto Networks BaeBi Apr 25

Do you have a primary care doctor?

Amazon ragumann OP Apr 25


Palo Alto Networks BaeBi Apr 26

You need to get a primary care physician or PCP, discuss your age/issues/family history and they'll order all relevbt tests for you.

T-Mobile myTy40 Apr 25

Their full body checkups are scrap. You gotta go to a pcp, explain all family and heriditary issues and make a detailed checkup. Ex : there are no scans or thyroid tests in normal check up

Amazon ragumann OP Apr 25

Then why do we do full body check up?

Amazon 3456TT Apr 26

Find a primary doctor and do annual exam - basic tests