Highly stressed out!

I recently moved to the USA, working as a software engineer with extensive experience in various technologies. However, as time passes, I find my motivation dwindling. The prospect of engaging in coding challenges like leetcode loses its appeal, fueled by the fear that even success in these exercises may not guarantee a job. Despite putting in my best efforts to solve problems, I find myself trapped in a repetitive cycle every two days. Additionally, financial strain adds to the pressure, leaving me with no savings. These challenges have led to thoughts of leaving the country or a sense of hopelessness. In the realm of personal relationships, my attempts to connect have proven unsuccessful. Despite trying dating apps, I haven't found a girlfriend, and feelings of isolation persist. Complicating matters, I am grappling with the aftermath of a breakup from a seven-year relationship, which has left me without any sexual experiences. I never have had sex in my life ever. Having given up masturbation long ago, I question whether I deserve a happy life. At 33 years old, I'm also contending with back and knee pains. The connection between happiness and excelling in technical interviews, such as leetcode, seems elusive, given my continued job search challenges despite my passion for technology. What exactly I should do? Just a leetcode to get a job? I have no girlfriend, no wife, no kids, no savings, no car, no entertainment either!! Sometimes I think I may give up on life and leave this world..... I want to get a good job, a good sex life, kids, a car, and my own house but I am very much demotivated! Edit: It feels so hurtful when people keep on asking you why you have not gotten a job as of yet despite having good tech experience etc. It also hurts having no girlfriend/wife/kids at the age of 33 as people kept on asking why you did not get married as of yet. Edit: I planned to join the gym a couple of months ago but as I am been diagnosed with an L5 degeneration problem at the backbone, I am just scared. Also, I am diagnosed with Arthritis so I am just careful.

Adobe itaf21 Jan 24

You want too much. Solve small problems first. Would you get 350k tc or get laid? You can always get a good job but you can’t get your youth back. Even you had 1 million at 33 you would still be middle class.

esie88 OP Jan 24

Thanks. I like your perspective on my expectations so much. I sometimes think what will be the time when I will ever be earning 350K as I am at 0 level…. Yes, 33 is not a young range. Who is above the middle class?

Adobe itaf21 Jan 24

Imo people who are free are any above class. You know like I don’t wanna work this week or who can sleep peacefully. Dont get into the tech notion that you have to make a lot of money to lead a happy life. People in Europe make ok money but they live their life to the fullest. If I were you I would get a job which can be a stepping stone. Get into ai - first 2-3 years are gonna be a pain but ifyou hard work its gonna be it. For context I am 33 but I have no will to work. Even small things irritate me

Optum cf34hhgf Jan 24

If you already have a job then give break to leetcode. Financial struggle? Use your money wisely. Need a gf , that's luck. Try making friends or meet similar interests group through hobby. If you don't have one then develop a hobby and you will be better. This is the reality of USA it's very normal. Take care.

esie88 OP Jan 24

No, I do not have a job. I am still looking. Thanks for the honest guidance.

Optum cf34hhgf Jan 24

I'm sorry to hear that. Yes it is tough plus inflation. Hope you make it. It's really not the end of the world. Some opportunity will show up either here or elsewhere. Hang in there

Optum cf34hhgf Jan 24

Also focus on fitness. Your body transforms throughout the life. Mind body connection is real, your thoughts could be creating Illness so wise up.

Adobe itaf21 Jan 24

Ya anything else? This is like game on hard mode.

Optum cf34hhgf Jan 24

Haha sorry I know. But op is probably so bored and could have a lot of bandwidth to multitask. Just kidding.

Optum cf34hhgf Jan 24

Ya bored was not the right thing to say. My bad. But hey op you got this.

esie88 OP Jan 24

Thank mate...!!! Thats okay. It feels so hurtful when people keep on asking you why you have not gotten a job as of yet despite having good tech experience etc. It also hurts having no girlfriend/wife/kids at the age of 33 as people kept on asking why you did not get married as of yet.

Optum cf34hhgf Jan 24

I hear you. But it's better to be single than being in a bad relationship. Everything will fall in place when the time is right. Also you are very young. Things will work out.

Uber mrny03 Jan 24

Thailand bro. Thailand .

esie88 OP Jan 24

Haha. Pros and Cons? :)

Uber mrny03 Jan 24

Pros:. You will explore your primeval instincts, with body count that other fellow men can only dream of. Also you will realise that real sex is overhyped and pron is perhaps the greatest thing that has happened to mankind since the discovery of fire. Will put things into perspective when it comes to decisions on marriage. Because you will seek out good women instead of hot ones. Cons: your passport will have a Thailand stamp. So anyone checking your passport will know what you were up to, including your future spouse if any. But why marry someone anyway who can't chew up the fact that humans are polygamous?.

Meta hghuh Jan 24

You have not masturbated from a long time and asking for motivation from folks in blind?

esie88 OP Jan 24

Haha. I am sorry! I wanted to say, that I have read people release their stress by having sex or masturbating a lot, so I said it.

Google blazequery Jan 24

Try to focus on whatever good things you might have in life. Even go out to volunteer or something it really helps to get out of this state when you have nothing going for you. Watch some good movies with a good message. One of favorite ones is Castaway

esie88 OP Jan 24

Thank you. I will look for volunteer work in my area.....!! Thanks for the movie recommendation... Any take on leetcode since you are at Google? :)

Google blazequery Jan 24

Yeah I did my foundation quite a years back so now its easy to revise. For me contests really helped. Like I did the whole pattern wise thing first where I went over leetcode for each category. That helps to relate different types of qs to patterns. But the contest really kep things interesting for me. Even if I was just ablw to solve the easy queations slowly this helped me in solving unseen medium questions. There aren't going to be completely unseen q's but there are going to be variations and this will really help you ace that quickly

basicEng Jan 25

Bro touch grass

esie88 OP Jan 25

Thanks brother. I go for a walk early in the morning. :)