LayoffsJan 12

CLOUDFLARE BTFO!!!!! Cloudflare completely btfo by a patriot who was absolutely not going to roll over and just take it. Watch n learn.

Stripe go/t-pip Jan 12


Bloomberg Pablo_A1to OP Jan 12

Ya sorry m8

Attentive Jan 12

Why is this toktik so long? Zoomers stop sharing these toktiks. Gen Alpha now the cool gen, so please stop trying to act young

Amazon kdbdh77 Jan 12


Attentive Jan 12

Yes and the toktik isn’t zringe at all.

Koch Industries BYPh41 Jan 12

I don’t have much empathy for people in sales roles but I’m glad she called them out for nothing having any actual data to back up their claim of performance.

Okta orWw15 Jan 12

Sales pays your salary my friend. What a bizarre take.

Snowflake sf1970 Jan 12

@Okta - not that bizarre. First, there's a huge personality gap between techies and sales. Second (at least in my experience) sales people are known to sell things that don't exist or aren't ready, then pressure engineering to deliver. Sure, Sales brings in the money, but without a product, there would be no sales, so both sides are important (as is the finance department that pays the bills and makes sure everyone has a desk to work on, but are maligned by nearly everyone because of the rules everyone has to follow, and everyone's favorite scapegoat, IT, who get blamed when anything's broken, but also called out for being useless because they have all of those people and everything's working fine)

Microsoft NJIx78 Jan 12

What's happening, can't decrypt

Pegasystems he770 Jan 12

Accounts person got fired at Cloudflare. Recorded experience, called out actually being a good performer and asked for proof. Person firing them (maybe their boss?) stumbled thru it.

Riot Games ndkfifm Jan 12

Not their boss. Two people they hadn’t met. Some HR person and some director level they didn’t know.

Intuit Bkap Jan 12

Sorry it happened. This girl has a heart of lioness b slapping them. You go!

Google fhsgrsjg Jan 12

This is why companies do layoffs via email and citing non-perf reasons to avoid legal challenges. So sad everything is a ruthless transaction nowadays.

Okta GhPt46 Jan 15

Looks a lot like Matthew Prince trying to dodge the WARN Act.