Gartner payola?

Does Gartner charge companies to promote their products to its customers? Gartner quadrants seem to be pretty subjective and a lot of great products don’t even make it on the list. Starting to get the impression that it’s a big scam #gartner #consulting

Gartner jeAX38 May 3, 2023

They do not. Never has been a disgruntled employee, etc that has ever claimed that. That should tell you something. Folks misunderstand what an MQ is. It’s not a “ranking”. In fact they specifically train us to refer to it as positioning, not ranking. It’s essentially a made up scenario involving a generalized use case in that space for a product for a global, large enterprise. If there is a product for example that is amazing, but only offers support in NA and EMEA it either won’t be eligible for inclusion in the MQ or they’ll get severely dinged. But if you’re a buyer in that market, in a US company with not international offices—you don’t care about that. So the real MQ—the one clients get access to, you can move the weightings of different categories and it will re-sort the vendors in the quadrant based on your specific needs.

Oracle EITS00 Jun 5, 2023

Clients can purchase analyst days where the analyst is locked in a room with a client to be fed marketing information

Oracle EITS00 Jul 9, 2023

Gartner offers vendors SAS days where they pay lots of money to get the attention of analysts. Usually they are locked in a room and spoonfed information about how great a product is. No disclosure when this occurs