Get fired or Resign?

I am currently in a PIP and I am getting fired by the next week because of the impossible task I had been given which I most probably won't be able to finish. I have heard that the HR asks you to resign in that case and they say that they won't screw you up in the background checks in that case, and also they still offer severance. I know that they are protecting themselves if I resign. What would you recommend? I resign or let them fire me? Would there be any impact on my background checks? I am not planning to sue them after the PIP. #tech #pip #layoffs #amazon #adobe

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Amazon idgaftbh May 9

Whichever gets you higher severance lol, as easy as that. It's usually resigning in such situations

Amazon USkE16 OP May 9

I don't think there will be difference in severance.

Amazon luvkanye May 9

Afaik, the pip severance agreement requires you to sign it, ie, resign in order to get the severance money. If you don’t sign it, you’re just terminated. This is just what’s written in the contract but reality might be different

Investment Bank Glinda May 9

If you resign you aren't eligible for unemployment. In the the US, the only two things that show up in a background check are your dates of employment and title. Let the PIP factory fire you.

Zoox 👑 James May 9

I don’t think you get unemployment for being fired due to performance neither. Unemployment is only for layoff, where termination is not your fault

Investment Bank Glinda May 9

You are not eligible for unemployment only in extreme circumstances such as embezzling from the company or assaulting someone.

Bloomberg bgoonh May 9

Thye offer severance for resinging?

Syngene International 🐅 tiger May 9

Don’t let them fire you, they may state performance as a reason or issue a termination. Background verification can have nasty remarks.

ZenBusiness PBC VoteDem May 9

It’s illegal to do so in America. If you don’t know, stay quiet.

Amazon RElE61 May 9

OP didn’t say if their location is the US

Amazon ghjjbvv May 9

Don’t scare OP. Amazon doesn’t say anything in background check. Amazon doesn’t want to get in any troubles!

Cisco ponyta87 May 9

Yeah, US companies will almost never say anything in background checks other than title and employment dates unless they're some unprofessional start up. Too much risk of getting sued, and the company doesn't gain anything at all from saying bad things about ex employees.

Meta earlu1900 May 9

Do not worry. Company won't say anything bad about you in the background check. Don't resign and let them fire you. Legally if they fire you then you are eligible for severance. If you resign you will not get severance.

SAP decaCoffee May 9

That would lead to a defamation lawsuit if they speak badly about your work experience, so there's nothing to worry about it. Let them fire you, so you can take advantage of the unemployment benefits, if any.

Bloomberg ThisWayThe May 9

Are you being offered a severance package now, before the PIP formally starts? Did you already elect to go on PIP and decline the severance package? If 1), probably best to take the package. If 2), figure out what severance you get if you ask them to let you go now. What would your unemployment benefits be where you are? Do you have prospects for a job elsewhere now?

Microsoft pLhq18 May 9

Get fired and sue for unemployment. They will rip you off on severance and never pay. Unless they have the severance check in hand and it is high.

Tinder md7ghf May 9

Doesn’t matter.. you can even stop showing up for work.