Office LifeOct 17, 2018
State Farmsaltedyams

Getting Equipment in the Office

Recently we’ve been running into issues where folks do not receive hardware in a timely manner in the office. Some folks get it in a week, some 3 weeks, and some just never until they call the help desk and track it down. This seems to impact everyone regardless of being an existing or newly hired employee. In addition, it’s not just basic items like a keyboard, mouse, cables - I’m talking major components like workstations 😱 So my question is this: How long does it take for you get equipment delivered to you after requesting it?

43 Participants
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Microsoft UFIX54 Oct 17, 2018

My big items like desk have always just been there. Everything else the admin has, so takes 5 minutes

State Farm saltedyams OP Oct 18, 2018

Thanks for the responses! Our internal processing teams clearly need to take some notes from other companies :/

VMware TAyI61 Oct 19, 2018

On major sites we have vending machines, on minor sites they ship most equipment from the parent major site. Laptops are always slow to get on large sites, on small sites just don't bother. IT is crap. I've expensed stuff (chargers, cables, mice, keyboards, adapters) multiple times being from a small site and got scolded for that.