Tech IndustryJul 27, 2021

Getting a FB mentor as fresh grad with GE rating

Internship ends soon. Feeling good about my performance. Confident that I’m going to get the offer. Interviewing at other places but feel like FB is best for the career start. I want to reach E5 ASAP and then see what to do from there. Likely London office. I heard about the mentor culture. How does it work? How do mentors help you reach your goals?

Facebook movesl0w Jul 27, 2021

Why do you think FB is the best place to start? There are so many other companies out there, many of them growing faster and paying more

2&2!:$:b OP Jul 28, 2021

Not in Europe/UK. Most of the companies growing fast aren’t paying as well as FB is. Finance ones are, but they aren’t tech focused and FB is way better for learning opportunities and growth

Facebook movesl0w Jul 28, 2021

Ah you’re in UK. Makes sense