Ghosted at Deloitte

Ghosted after final interview I got approached by a recruiter on LinkedIn and encouraged to apply. Went through the entire process of speaking to the recruiter, interviews with managers, directors, managing director and hiring manager. A mix of solo interviews and panel interviews. Had my last interview (4) and was given positive feedback each time— Directors even going as far as saying they were going to hire me and they were going to get HR to work on the comp and send it over. After my last interview (fourth one) there has been no approach by them. Is this normal? I’ve emailed twice and no reply it’s like they are avoiding me or Ghosting me. I have moved on but it’s hard to because of such good encouraging feedback and them planning for the hiring quick. Anyone else had this experience? Any idea or advice?#consulting

bward@ Apr 17

“Get HR to work on the comp” is code word for your expectations were higher than expected for what you bring to the role. However we like you and we’ll see what we can do(I.e nothing)

American Airlines jGXy68 OP Apr 17

But that’s the kicker they were going send me to HR and somehow I got another interview scheduled no HR for comp and no anything discussed. So just ghosted.

Deloitte 🐀 racing Apr 18

It’s normal and this isn’t specific to Deloitte. There’s no incentive for recruiters to do extra work looking into things and following up with everyone else after a decision has been made. If they wanted you, they’d let you know