Misc.Dec 9, 2018

Girlfriend has hoarder tendencies, want to nip it in the bud

I’m a clean guy and I try to be as minimalist as possible. When I make a purchase, I make sure it has some sort of function that will increase my quality of life. Over the years, I noticed that my girlfriend tends to purchase what she thinks is “cute”. It could be clothes(that she only wears a few times and keeps in the closet), collectible items(such as pins, cups from different travels, or Disney objects. We live in a small space in San Francisco and it’s starting to get out of hand. Her stuff is overflowing into all the space that we have, and my space is now limited to a drawer I have under the bed and a hanging space of roughly 2 feet. Every time I tell her we need to get rid of some things, she thinks she’ll use it someday. Not sure how to handle this at this point. Any suggestions?

Intel Lofjea Dec 9, 2018

Leave. This type of personality stuff doesn’t change; at best, she’ll just tone it down until you get married.

Research Now DuHastMich Dec 9, 2018

Leave because of a wardrobe.... lol :) You don't have GF in that case.

Intel Lofjea Dec 9, 2018

Married for 10 years. Sloppiness vs OCD aren’t compatible living partners. Why compromise when you have a billion people to choose from?

Research Now DuHastMich Dec 9, 2018

I had the same issue. Till the time I made it clear that I need one full side of the walkin wardrobe for myself and other half is hers. I helped her keep some stuff in cardboard boxes because she has so many clothes than one side of the walkin is not sufficient. Now those boxes are in the garage.

Oath fat Dec 9, 2018

Use public storage if you have a small garage. Later, you can donate the whole storage unit if you no longer need it.

Uber aPNU25 Dec 9, 2018

Vacuum seal bags are helpful for really packing things down, especially clothes. The bags are cheap nowadays and you can get them most anywhere.

Facebook QgLd56 Dec 9, 2018

This is the book that everyone points to for help on decluttering. The tl;dr is to keep the things that bring you joy. It’s easier said than done of course, but that’s what the rest of the book is about. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing https://www.amazon.com/dp/1607747308/ Something else to keep in mind though (which is often raised as a criticism of this book) is that being able to get rid of things is something that is easier to do when you come from money / privilege. It’s easy to say, “Oh, I’ll just buy that if I need it later,” if you know you’ll have the money for it later.

Zendesk Magicmahn OP Dec 9, 2018

I’ll check this out

Glassdoor SnacAttac Dec 9, 2018

I second this. This book is amazing. And it’s well written. First time I did it I threw out 6 55 gallon bags of clothes and books and random shit.

Google KissMyPiss Dec 9, 2018

I'm the hoarder in my family and have tried over and over to do it. I usually dump stuff once a year but during that exercise end up keeping 50% anyway. Easier said than done IMO.

Amazon n0v Dec 9, 2018

Won't change. Just nip her in the bud and call it a day.

Amazon Am A Bot Dec 9, 2018

This is easy. I have a kid who’s a hoarder and we have a rule: for every 1 new thing, you have to donate 2. It’s been pretty effective.

Oracle ヴィシュヌ Dec 9, 2018

Time for garage sale

USDA Thglfe Dec 9, 2018

Throw all the stuff one by one daily in trash 😂 without knowledge..if she ever comes to you and ask where’s my stuff... pretend like I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♂️ or just drop by at Goodwill. Whichever is easy for you😝

Oath hg Dec 9, 2018


Facebook fUoU43 Dec 9, 2018


Amazon BUFU😘 Dec 9, 2018

Buy your girlfriend a large house, you cheap fuck!

Oath fat Dec 9, 2018

You know that won’t stop hoarders. They can fill two houses when given the rooms.