Lithia Motors, Inc.MGWN74

GitHub Take-home, never heard back

Submitted my take-home for GitHub 2 weeks ago. I did well on it and passed the acceptance criteria (I believe). I got an automated email saying I would hear back either way, but since it's been two weeks I reached out to the recruiter and asked about when I may hear back. The recruiter has ghosted me and did not respond. Is this normal for GitHub? I know recruiters are bogged down, but seems kinda lame to ghost after doing the take-home. #github

Salesforce dhdusibsb May 5, 2022

GitHub doesn't do leetcode?

Lithia Motors, Inc. MGWN74 OP May 5, 2022

No, it was a practical take-home

SkillSoft kuki 🥜 May 5, 2022

Position and yoe?

Disney Streaming Services zjopa May 5, 2022

I had a take home with Sony once and they got back like 3-4 weeks later lol

Microsoft @meh May 5, 2022


Lithia Motors, Inc. MGWN74 OP May 5, 2022

Haven't gotten that far yet hah

eSyL77 May 5, 2022

They were pretty shit during my process. Same ghosting etc. I just kept pinging over the course of a week or two since I was positive i didn’t fail the take home. They took a while but eventually got around to scheduling my onsite, but I accepted another offer by then As a heads up, my recruiter asked me some behavioral questions in the follow up call after my take home without any notice. Pretty soft but just fyi

Lithia Motors, Inc. MGWN74 OP May 5, 2022

Ok haha, I might hit the recruiter up again next week. Maybe she was on vacation or something. Or maybe I just didn't make the cut lol.

kd8d3f May 5, 2022

What kind of stuff was asked in the takehome?

Lithia Motors, Inc. MGWN74 OP May 5, 2022

Just basic React, like given some props, render some info according to a mockup