PoliticsNov 18, 2019

Hong Kong protest

I saw many idiots here criticizing Hong Kong protests. You must know that the protesters are fighting for their freedom and there is nothing wrong about that. Each person on this earth should have the right to vote for whoever they’d like to represent them in the political system instead of some puppet that is given to them. This should be a basic human right that everyone should deserve. Just be thankful that you are living in the US instead of in the pathetic China where everything is censored.

Quora WalU80 Nov 18, 2019

By killing innocent ppl who has different opinions or setting fire on innocent ppl?

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Facebook ⭕w⭕ Nov 18, 2019

What do you expect when a large population of Blind users are Chinese FANG workers brainwashed by the CCP? TAIWAN NUMBA ONE.

Quora WalU80 Nov 18, 2019

Lol. Facebook

Facebook ⭕w⭕ Nov 18, 2019

Stay at Quora, too many of you guys at FB already chewing the free food with your mouths open in the cafeteria and talking about how great Xi and Mao are.

Facebook wjlP77 Nov 18, 2019

This WalU80 guy must be really paid to do this 🍿 Do reply to each single post, add up those 50cs and don't forget to report to your masters how obedient you are

Quora WalU80 Nov 18, 2019

I just felt very sad for ppl getting killed and cannot tolerate a group of ppl knowing little about the whole event supporting the event. Pls don't forget you Americans support turning over some country just by a bag of wash powder 20 years ago. If u have no that ability, stop making any judgment. We need human brain to talk about human rights.

Quora WalU80 Nov 18, 2019

Every time when you used your power or military to turn over one country government under name of human rights, only those ppl from that country feel the hurt, because it is their city and country that get destroyed and it is their brothers and sisters get killed not yours! I met a refugee from Iraq before. He was 65 years old and still an uber driver in the middle night. We talked about the war in 2003 and he said his country just got destroyed by the US and never can get back. So pls stop making any judgment with only a little knowledge from CNN and in the name of human rights.

Microsoft pxXW78 Nov 18, 2019

HK protesters should really just vote with their feet if they are not happy with the current system instead of rioting and destroying the city

Microsoft kmes40505 Nov 18, 2019

The thing is they cant. All the candidates are designated

Quora WalU80 Nov 18, 2019

He means they can immigrate to other countries.

Uber PeerTasi Nov 18, 2019

I don’t know enough about the topic. Didn’t realize there were people on Blind who are against the HK protesters. Where I can get a somewhat unbiased account of what’s going on there to read about?

Quora WalU80 Nov 18, 2019

Quora, lots of answers without bias.

Uber Nov 18, 2019

Indeed, at least on quora I see people answer with due diligence.

Oracle merlinn Nov 18, 2019

I feel bad for the innocent people live in HK and I don’t know how to solve this. But, hey, keep protesting. Better for years. In the end of the day, it’s HK that will take the ultimate hit.

Microsoft kmes40505 Nov 18, 2019

Think of jt the other way. They're willing to lose everything to have the justice done because they've got to a point they cannot stand being bullying any more

Facebook neco Nov 18, 2019

The protesters mostly come from the bottom rung of the society and do not have much of a future in the highly competitive place lik hk. So they don't have much to lose. The people who are losing everything are those attacked by the violent protesters

Magic Leap ifnre Nov 18, 2019

It is 100% ok to protest. AS LONG AS you don’t set people on fire.

Microsoft kmes40505 Nov 18, 2019

If government keep ignoring protest ppl then protest means nothing. Go search for umbrella protest in hk in 2014

Quora WalU80 Nov 18, 2019

Then u can try violence. But at the same time you cannot ask government not to use military to surpress. If u lost, it means you didn't get enough power from ppl.

Amazon llpoi33 Nov 18, 2019

I may probably come off as ignorant here but why are they stopping others, who need to work to feed their families and put a roof over their head, from going to work? They're blocking roads with bricks and vandalizing the metro system causing the city to shut down essentially. Also logically speaking, it is very unlikely they'll get what they want. Even the big democratic nations are doing nothing more than sending their thoughts and prayers. The young should focus on leaving, to Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, Australia, or Canada instead. And if they can't, time would and should be better spent on self improvement so they can one day escape.

Microsoft Bork13 Nov 18, 2019

Because of they don't stop them they will be the future organ farms for the ccp

Lending Club fakeName2 Nov 18, 2019

^well educated

Credit Karma EllisDee25 Nov 18, 2019

Yes, police violence and unaffordable rents should result in mass protests on this scale.

ieig64 Nov 18, 2019

It’s very naive to say that everything is censored in China and the US is free. You’re free here until you are a danger for the leadership. If you don’t know, FB blocks groups without any explanation, twitter deletes accounts, google adjusts algorithms not to show unwanted results etc. As for HK protests, it’s another US organized coup attempt. Look at Bolivia, Venezuela, Armenia. Same scenario everywhere. They find out a problem in a country, then make people think they’re “fed up with this” so they have to protest. There’s a trade war going on with China and you’re thinking the US is saint and trying to help HK? Really?

LinkedIn Zeiwkf5 Nov 18, 2019

This all sounds like false equivalence. “Bad things happen everywhere, therefore everything is equally bad”. The censorship of mainland China cannot be compared to FB group blocking.