
Glassdoor meltdown as users urged to flee site after posters’ real names added without permission

It has started from one bloger's post. https://cellio.dreamwidth.org/2024/03/12/glassdoor-violates-privacy.html she said "Glassdoor now requires your real name and will add it to older accounts without your consent if they learn it, and your only option is to delete your account. They do not care that this puts people at risk with their employers. They do not care that this seems to run counter to their own data-privacy policies." https://nypost.com/2024/03/20/business/glassdoor-users-urged-to-flee-site-after-real-names-added/ They mentioned it's because they integrated with Fishbowl. What do you think?

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Glassdoor meltdown as users urged to flee site after posters’ real names added without permission
Glassdoor meltdown as users urged to flee site after posters’ real names added without permission
New York Post
58 Participants
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Google JTat70 Mar 20

I don’t get the panic here. Companies can’t access that data.

IPqP84 Mar 20

Putting your real name on an account without your consent is sneaky. It means they could trade or use your info for something you never agreed to, all without asking you. It's serious, bro.

Transformco lYaQ73 Mar 20

"Oops, we accidentally updated your reviews with your real name."

shooooot Mar 20

As long as they don’t attach my name to all the reviews I have given publicly, I am okay

Stuller jeweler96 Mar 20

Chat is this real?

dataengrja Mar 20

If this scares you, you have no idea what our own guv is capable of. They know everything. They see all your activity. While there may not be a real person actively looking at such data, the user profile information is still there and can be pulled from databases at anytime for any reason, granted the user behind their side of the screen has the privilege. Not just online, phone records too. Our data is sold to consulting firms and they make all sorts of crazy metrics and statistics (now even predictions thanks to AI and ML) that only high bidders can get access to. They know what’s trending, what’s up-and-coming, and can use all of it to steer the narrative in their favor, benefit their own interests and friends.

Indeed JohnTrodt Mar 20

Have you ever worked in government?

Amazon Gmop12 Mar 20

Lol at govt being organized enough to target individuals