Tech IndustryFeb 27, 2023
MicrosoftRates R Up

Google & Meta employees before and after layoffs

I notice before layoffs starting late last year, Meta and Google employees were the most defensive of their companies and cultures and how great it was, and would put down anyone who disagreed. I remember them saying that there would never be layoffs happening at either company even after multiple news sources confirmed the same. Now, the posts are completely different. Google and Meta current and past employees are very critical of their companies. What happened? Just the layoffs? Or anything else?

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licro Feb 27, 2023

The hate that comes out of love is a whole new level of hate

spicylatam Feb 27, 2023

Them Facebook/Google employees going to awaken their Sharingan soon

Zoom FJbV20 Feb 27, 2023

I feel similarly as a zoom employee. I loved our company culture pre layoffs; now I feel like I’m not working at the same company I was at when I started. But i think the proper perspective is that things had been problematic a while and the layoffs opened my eyes.

wbzk83 Feb 27, 2023

Zoom was just intoxicated from Covid growth. It probably was never a great company, they just had tons of excess resources to give their employees a drink induced buzz. Once it wore off, they were left with the hangover which you are experiencing.

Twilio VBeh50 Feb 27, 2023

RT this whole comment But for twilio

Amazon randomguy7 Feb 27, 2023

Meta culture has always been bad but the money made it ok. Google is the one where opinions have shifted the most

Google Ohm's Law Feb 27, 2023


Meta n1f8tk35m Feb 27, 2023

Meta culture became terrible when Zuck joined.

Meta Red.Ghost Feb 27, 2023

We realized that that a job is a job. It’s not a family. The jig is up. The lie is exposed.

PayPal ————— Feb 27, 2023

A 10 year bubble simply popped and reality is revealed… We are doing a job and we get paid for that. Anything more than that such as a culture, vibe, family, etc is just vaporware in the bubble that popped.

Meta kcjdne Feb 27, 2023

Not sure about Google, but in Meta everybody knew that it would be layoffs.

Google yiopt Feb 27, 2023

Eventually you wake up and realize all the decisions that fuck you were actually based in bad faith and that any communication of good will and "thoughtfulness" was just intended to win the prisoner's dilemma by convincing you to repeatedly cooperate on all issues while they repeatedly defect on the most important ones.

Meta crmstrgogo Feb 27, 2023

There’s always been a lot of internal criticism. Perhaps after the layoffs, some of it has spilled out into external forums like Blind.

Meta ja1shr1r4m Feb 27, 2023

Alternative hypothesis: there were always different groups of employees on blind ranging from sycophantic to cynical. After layoffs you are just hearing less from the former group.

Microsoft JudsonsDad Feb 27, 2023

Meta employees definitely