Tech IndustryJan 6, 2023

Google Referral

Hi guys, looking for a google referral for partner manager roles. Been trying to get a job for a year now. The constant layoffs have been making it really difficult to get into tech but I know there's still hope. So I would really appreciate it if someone could help with a referral. 7 YOE, Verizon SaaS Partner Sales/Vendor management #referral #googlereferral #google #tech #googlereferral

ViacomCBS Tech101010 Jan 6, 2023

Are you currently unemployed? Asking before you get roasted into oblivion, and hope Blind cuts you some slack if you are.

DHm5 OP Jan 6, 2023

Yes. Roasted or not its been a year of struggling to get a job.

ViacomCBS Tech101010 Jan 6, 2023

I wish you well. I am currently talking to a recruiter at Google who wants me to interview for YouTube and after asking how many actual hurdles they said candidly, a ton. You have internal ppl trying to transfer, thousands of laid off tech workers all while Google is slashing budgets. Not to mention, passing the normal panel interview and getting to team matching is like climbing Everest. My advice: get a contracting gig to get cash coming in, level-set, get your confidence up, then take a big swing at something.

Google f19 Jan 7, 2023


DHm5 OP Jan 7, 2023


Cisco mAwg00 Jan 10, 2023

May I?

Chime Chum🤮 Jan 7, 2023

Google ain’t hiring