Tech IndustryMay 14, 2018

Google Seattle vs Google MTV Onsite Interview Difficulty Difference

Hi, all. I have heard some rumors that onsite interviews are tougher at Google Seattle compared to Google MTV because there is a higher percentage of senior engineers in Seattle and you are more likely to run into them who ask more system design questions instead of Leetcode style algo questions. Do you think this is true especially for junior SWE interviews (L3)? I would appreciate your thoughts..

Google chBV70 May 14, 2018

Seattle is probably more difficult because there are more senior interviewers

Google 🐔block May 14, 2018

For L3 you'll be getting just straight code questions. No design questions.

Amazon PasserBy-1 May 14, 2018

L3 interview at Seattle site wasn’t particularly hard for me.

Amazon xCCNcx54 May 14, 2018

You’ve heard correctly, though doing well with senior interviewer looks better to HC

Google twii May 14, 2018

Doubt it. People got the questions from the same pool. Also how many people did onsite at Seattle and MTV? Sample is already biased bc people who failed the first time might not be as qualified

Facebook kukur May 15, 2018

I interviewed at both NYC and SEA. I found NYC onsite more difficult compared to SEA, though I did get an offer from NYC but no offer from SEA. At SEA, I interviewed as new grad. At NYC, I interviewed for experienced position.