Tech IndustryMay 11, 2019

Google code quality

How’s the tech debt scene @Google. Do people duct tape code over there too?

Google Se7eи May 11, 2019

In my humble opinion, it's not the worst in the world.

Google QqYm14 May 11, 2019

It’s said that we rewrite entire code base every 3-4 years. So not much?

Google coolguy00 May 11, 2019

yep, constantly refactored, so majority is good, but documentation is usually lacking.

Google Se7eи May 11, 2019

"self-documented code" ;)

Google spchnj May 11, 2019

Ten times better (my current team in Google / former team in Amazon)

Google dCyj41 May 11, 2019

Overall very solid. There is a lot of internal complexitites, inconsistencies and duplications due to a few reasons: 1) people believing they can things it "better" or faster than integration with existing solutions. 2) being competent enough that implemention of their own shit is actually faster due to constricted solution spaces 3) everybody is a strong enough engineer to design unnecessarily complex stuff that actually works. I.e there is no negative feedback for dumb design because they can make it work. This means that a lot of our code does weird shit

Amazon pizzacheez May 11, 2019

Pretty awesome that Google gives engineers time to maintain high quality code.

Google jdjdjsj May 11, 2019

Solid and rigorous to an annoying degree. I'd not work here if I were you