
Google hardcodes DEI into AI models?

Hardcoding diversity into it's AI models

Capital One IoBd22 Feb 23

Lmao what a joke

Image Access Corp. TCMTY Feb 23


Amazon BhktoKiMKC Feb 23

Because they don't want any backlash

Amazon quzbfkej\ Feb 23

And yet

WctM60 Feb 23


CrowdStrike VKtf16 Feb 23

It’s like asking your parents for a specific gift and they give you something else while saying it’s nicer than what you wanted!!

Microsoft filk23 Feb 23

Didn't expect this from Google 🫡.

Two Sigma BJdY39 Feb 23

What exactly is the problem?

Apple TDmK50 Feb 23


Google TVCoast Feb 23

You're the problem

ex-Amazon buttcoiner Feb 23

Google just ”woke” up to AI but not in a good way

Meta pCCM05 Feb 23

Prime example of a company with too much bureaucracy

Amazon BhktoKiMKC Feb 23

I don't think you understand the problem. If they don't do it then people will roast them for only showing white people in images. Now go spread some hate on Facebook.

Meta pCCM05 Feb 23

Because Nazis were willing to accept non-Aryans? Or the founding fathers weren’t all white male landowners? Get out of here

Knight Barry Title Group ryeu6362 Feb 23

There is too much Soy in the Bay Area

Amazon why5ker Feb 23

Disney will reach out and give them a cease and desist for stealing their movie creation LLM.