Google hiring process

I finished all of my interviews for a sales position at Google this morning. The recruiter contacted me at night and informed me that it will take around 2 weeks to get the results due to other candidates starting their interviews now. The interviews didn't go very well, but does the time required mean that I can proceed to the Hiring Committee? I understand that if all I get is no hire in the interview, I will not be able to proceed to the Hiring Committee either.

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Microsoft isensei Apr 17

I didn't vote but going to HC means you were not outright reject but bar is high so even when you do well, they might say no. Don't worry about it. You did your part. Good luck

Microsoft tXMO53 OP Apr 17

Thank you for your kind words!

Microsoft isensei Apr 17

My pleasure!!

TikTok SAaR62 Apr 17

congrats on making it this far! i imagine it’s not all bad if the recruiter is consistently sharing a timeline and setting expectations. did you complete a hiring assessment before you heard from your recruiter? how long did that take?

Microsoft tXMO53 OP Apr 17

Yes, it took about a week!

Citibank OutofMem Apr 17

Current TC, and expected TC? Assuming this is a Sales Engineer role

Google pYt6)$@- Apr 17

In my experience they move very fast if you did well and like you. Hiring committee only moves forward if you got good feedback, and it’s also dependent on Team Match (not sure if you interviewed for a specific role or a general role). So it sounds like it will happen after your 2 weeks. I got strong hires in almost all my interviews (recruiter told me) and I knew my feedback right away. This was late last year. The overall process took a long time, but maximum time I ever waited to hear feedback was 2 days. I skipped hiring committee completely due to strong feedback. Of course, Google is big and so not all experiences are the same. And even though I got really strong feedback, I remember finishing my onsite and feeling like I absolutely bombed it. I felt so bad I took the day off work and just laid in bed. It wasn’t until later that night that my recruiter texted me and congratulated me, but I remember calling my friend up and telling him how bad I bombed it. So you never know with these things. Good luck!

LinkedIn vVad17 Apr 17

This is a little reassuring as I had one of my onsite interviews yesterday and feel like I bombed it and can’t stop reliving it, thinking of what and how I could’ve said things better. Or I actually did bomb it lol. After the first round, the recruiter contacted me same day to tell me I did really well. I have my last interview on Friday so my guest is if I don’t hear back within 2 business days then it’s a no or maybe

LinkedIn vVad17 Apr 17

Did you apply to a specific or general role?

Google tGJv76 Apr 17

They're not going to send you to HC unless you're the top candidate. The direction is not to just send everyone to HC these days, only candidates that teams want to hire.

Goldman Sachs EdUh15 Apr 19

Does sending a candidate to HC necessarily mean that he/she is competing with some other candidates and so HC needs to be involved to decide? Or is it just a process to go thru and HC would most likely approve it?

Google tGJv76 Apr 19

HC decides whether you've met the Google hiring bar. They would not decide between two candidates, that's up to the HM. It's possible HM might send two candidates to HC in case one doesn't pass. But if both pass, HC does *not* make the decision. A key point is that HC is independent of the hiring manager and team. It's not like Amazon where the hiring team does most of the interviews and just has the single outside opinion.