Google india L5 counter offer

Will my current salary in Euros matter while negotiating or should I get counter offers in india?? As titled Current TC 108k euros base + 150k usd stocks Company meta I don't have an offer from Google yet ( waiting for HC)

Apple 🍎πŸͺ­boy Mar 17

It doesn’t hurt to present all the facts to your recruiter and make them understand what would be the COL and how would your expectation can match current lifestyle. Congratulations on your new position OP.

VMware IT-SUCKS OP Mar 17

Thanks 😊😊

ByteDance phiE74 Mar 17

Is it a tech or non tech role? For non - tech roles salaries in India are pretty low in Google compared to other tech companies in India. I had a counter offer and they were not even close to what they I was offered . Roughly about 40% difference in compensation . Google failed to match it

VMware IT-SUCKS OP Mar 17

Software engineer L5

HERE 9o0b Mar 18

Wats the offered TC and YOE?

Amazon gobel Mar 18

Please disclose your TC

VMware IT-SUCKS OP Mar 19


Google hosa Mar 19

Tc or gtfo