Tech IndustryAug 3, 2023

Google to Investment firm as PM

I've been with Google (Meta previously for 1.5 years) as PM for 2 years now. Total 12+ years of PM experience. Current Google TC is ~500K. I got an offer from an investment firm where first year TC will be $950K due to upfront stock buyout, but it will drop to ~470K/year after the first year. After doing detailed calculation, I figured that Google average next 3 years TC will be ~540K and this investment firm will be $680K if there are no other promotions in either case. Google: Good brand on resume, smart co-workers, and lot of other benefits. My group has hectic work though. Investment firm: High first year company. Also, average 3 year comp is $140K more. Great WLB. Not much to learn. Not a reputed tech firm on resume like Google. Thoughts on move?

General Motors MsRachel Aug 3, 2023

Can I dm for referral to your new place?

Indeed indognito Aug 3, 2023

Seriously, me too! Have 15 YOE and would love that comp and WLB

Meta hujyhuisj OP Aug 6, 2023

@indognito I heard Indeed pays pretty well. No?

ex-RBC Loveblock Aug 3, 2023

Wait do you mean product manager, project manager or portfolio manager?

Meta hujyhuisj OP Aug 6, 2023


Google pm_girlI Aug 6, 2023

When you say investment firm as VC/PE?

Meta hujyhuisj OP Aug 6, 2023


qDpD02 Aug 28, 2023

Why is PE hiring PMs? For their buyout companies?how did you find Ute role?