Got an Interview request from influxdata for software engineering? What are your thoughts? How should I prepare?

Trying to understand best scenario, to go to the right company I see they have 100mil+ funding but not sure where it is headed, anyone working there can give me any info?#engineering #software #swe #interview #influxdata

Investment Bank Bi-Coastal Oct 3, 2020

InfluxData has had at least two layoffs since the pandemic started. Also, make sure you ask about its time table for pay raises and stock refreshers. If you want to compare its technical approach to other time series databases, have a look at Timescale, Amazon Timestream or a few other competitors. If I was in a decent job situation, I'd think twice about making a move in the current economic environment, especially to a less established company than the one you appear to be at. Don't let InfluxData's "values" mislead you - it is a business no more nor less cutthroat than any other.

InfluxData Inc. AUIK37 Oct 5, 2020

I agree with everything you said. The company has had 2 layoffs, and outside of most employees being nice, I have not seen any of the company values in effect. Also, the teams tend to work in silos, so confusion and chaos seems to run rampant at InfluxData. With that said, if OP doesn't have better options, then OP should give InfluxData a try. However, I strongly suggest OP looks for better options.