Jobs & ReferralsOct 7, 2022

Graduated 2021 With A Gap Year

Graduated in 2021 with bachelors in comp sci about 3.0, took a gap year to open a successful small business and getting back to my career and can’t get any interviews after getting a scuffed interview at amazon, only 2 interview sessions 1 a LC hard and the other i solved perfectly but messed up the time complexity at the end by adding an extra N. Any hope for me getting a job? Been trying to focus on internships and co-ops due to never having internships or co-ops during college due to family issues. Any referrals or advice to help out? #swe #software #engineer #referral #hiring #newgrad #adobe #affirm #airbnb #airtable #amazon #apple #atlassian #asana #audible #benchling #blackrock #bloomberg #block #brex #box #cloudera #cloudflare #coda #coinbase #chime #citadel #chase #calendly #coursera #cruise #databricks #datadog #digitalocean #doordash #discord #docusign #duolingo #dropbox #epicgames #ebay #expedia #facebook #faang #faangmula #figma #github #gitlab #glassdoor #grab #grammarly #groupon #grubhub #google #goldmansachs #headspace #indeed #instacart #intuit #janestreet #jpmorgan #lattice #linkedin #lyft #meta #microsoft #miro #mongodb #morganstanley #netflix #netlify #notion #nvidia #nuro #opendoor #oracle #palantir #paloaltonetworks #patreon #paypal #peloton #pinterest #plaid #qualcomm #quora #ramp #razorpay #reddit #ripple #rippling #roblox #robinhood #roku #salesforce #slack #shopify #spotify #sofi #snowflake #snap #snapchat #square #squarespace #stripe #sonos #stackoverflow #tableau #tesla #tinder #tiktok #twitter #twilio #twitch #twosigma #uber #visa #vmware #waymo #wework #yelp #zillow #zoom #referral

Bloomberg BB-alphaM Oct 8, 2022

Usually most companies will consider new grad up to 24 months after graduation ! But idk this market might just make it a little harder. Grind your leetcode and network a lot on LinkedIn…won’t be easy but u gon get there

pklM62 OP Oct 9, 2022

Thanks BB-AlphaM, would you say that referrals make that much of an impact in getting selected in an interview for the hiring process?

Central 1 crossoveru Nov 16, 2022

Amazon used to be the last resort. Now even that shit hole is freezed.