Lead Data Engineer

Dear Friends. I have below offers. Please help me in choosing one. 1.Discover Financial services: Base:135K PTO: Limited 25 Glassdoor ratings:3.9 Better benefits 2. CIOX health: Base: 145K PTO: Unlimited PTO Glassdoor ratings:2.9 Not so great benefits Thanks for your help. #engineer #interview #offer

Tradeweb tjLU30 Nov 6, 2020

Go for discover. 25 days pto they will beg you to use. Unlimited you will be begging for each day

Splunk dCXW10 Nov 6, 2020

Discover 100%

Amazon Omno Nov 6, 2020

There are studies which show that when employees are given unlimited PTO then they use less than if it were pre defined.. So if PTO is your criteria it is better to take Discover.. On the other hand if you take a lot of PTOs in the company which gives unlimited PTOs chances are you'll be termed a slacker and be totally judged and this increases Pip chances.. PS: Obviously this will vary by company but this has been my experience having seen both sides of the coin.