Work VisaSep 9, 2018

H1B for Sales job

Hi All, I am currently working as a Sales Engineer for a simulation software company. I am looking for new opportunities. Since CAE market is niche, I plan to target cloud and enterprise software sales. I have a Masters in Mechanical Engineering. I am wondering if I get into complete sales role in GCP or AWS or any other cloud or enterprise software, how does it work with my visa? Will approval be an issue? I appreciate your inputs. Thanks

Amazon Bdbsbd Sep 9, 2018

Wish you luck, the current administration has been cracking down overall. Unfortunately they are also targeting people with degrees unrelated to field of their work. When you clear interview and speak to their lawyer, raise these questions; maybe even when speaking to the recruiter.

Google skillet Sep 9, 2018

Approval will definitely be an issue. Everyone who has a degree different from their work have been handed rfes and rejections like candies! Infact, it's even worse, where some clean cases are getting rejected.

Amazon LoanerBadg Sep 9, 2018

The clean cases getting rejected sounds like false positives from a ml model.

F5 Networks go() Sep 9, 2019

Did you get your H1B as a Sales Engineer?

NVIDIA kubespray Dec 22, 2019

Yes that works!