Auto IndustryFeb 21, 2021

Should I buy Tesla Model Y in Berlin?

Need a mid size SUV with sufficient capacity to carry all the stuff that goes along with a baby. I don’t think I would be going on long road trips since we would rather prefer train/car to a road trip across Germany. My main concern is that I don’t see many Tesla on the road in Berlin vs San Francisco or Seattle. Is that due to lack of availability of chargers? Another concern is about the mileage. Do you go on road trips across Germany which are > 500 KMS round trip? The decision currently is between buying a petrol car vs electric car. Current vehicle is a Mercedes C class sedan. #auto #tesla

Robert Bosch poier Feb 21, 2021

I think the reason why you don't see many Tesla cars here is price and availability to charge at home. If you want to do road trips or go an vacation with the car depends on your personal preference. While public transportation is good in the cities, it is not so much available in the typical recreation and vacation areas (towards the ocean, Scandinavia, the alps). Also be aware that if you go anywhere with children it is very convenient to be able to bring a lot of stuff. All my German colleagues with kids do most of their trips or vacation with kids with a spacious car. It is less stressful for parents compared to public transportation. If you do such trips, you have to know for yourself. I think electric cars in Germany are mostly used as second cars for daily driving around or commuting in a smaller area. First car would be a bigger gasoline or diesel car. In Germany most new cars are not bought by private people, but go as subsidized leasing cars to companies. They are usually given back after 3 years. Most of these cars are BMW, Mercedes, Audi wagon cars. So after these 3 years they are sold off as pre owned cars. So for me the sweetspot for buying cars is such a car 2-3 years old with EU6 Diesel engine and 100-150k km. If you have more questions, feel free to ask.