Coinbase Codesignal Assessment

Hello, Seeking a small help. I have received codesignal assessment for Coinbase Infra role.Has anyone had recently gave the test? or Anyone has any idea about the preparation? your input is highly appreciated. Thanks, Khagesh #engineering #software #swe #coinbase #codesignal

Tableau MRE7-2 Apr 23

Truly one of the worst experiences of an OA that I’ve ever experienced. Although the assessment questions are similar to something like you’d expect from LC or HR, they’re (deliberately?) more obtuse and insanely time consuming. If I’m ever offered an assessment using that platform ever again, I’ll politely decline.

ActionIQ xGxi23 Apr 26

That OA was the worst lol. Apparently other companies use codesignal and that same type of assignment

ByteDance xnxx420 Apr 29

The questions were quite simple and if you are qualified for the role they shouldn't be an issue. But Codesignal really is the worst UX.