HPE Comp and Culture?

What's comp and culture for hardware roles like at HPE? Curious to hear about employees' experiences.

HPE pKBR26 Aug 2, 2019

Which group and location ? My personal feeling It depends on the group .

HPE UnDs28 Aug 2, 2019

Depends on which part of the company. The divisions all have different histories (many coming in via acquisitions), which have led to different cultures. Do you have one product line you can point to, so someone from that group can answer? Comp is not top-tier, but pretty good.

HPE Pnmi52 Aug 4, 2019

Comp is OK. WLB is ok. It’s better than mediocre but don’t expect to achieve great things. This is a company that innovates primarily through acquisition.

Rally Health FUPayMe$$ Feb 12, 2020

Dog shit.