
Can someone explain the levels at Indeed?

According to, Principal is similar to higher end of Staff at Airbnb / lower end of L7 at Amazon. Technical Fellow is similar to Principal at Airbnb and high L7 / Low L8 at Amazon. Is this accurate? What's a reasonable TC for a Technical Fellow? How is the culture?
Google alpaca 🦙 Mar 22

Their principal position is closed

Airbnb BrianBNB OP Mar 22

I see! Good to know. Do you know anything about technical fellow?

Google alpaca 🦙 Mar 22


Google TdAB48 Mar 22

Airbnb to Indeed is a major downgrade

Airbnb BrianBNB OP Mar 22

I relocated during COVID so my options are limited. I'm kind of done with Airbnb since I've exhausted my on-hire RSUs and the new grants came at a much higher price. I'm not enjoying my work, and the TC has also taken a nose dive. So figured I could look around.

Indeed cLp31m Mar 22

Culture is dogshit and pay isnt much better. They took away our bonuses, our extra holidays, and are stack ranking us to give us peanuts refreshers (that they delayed by a full quarter as well). I've never seen a company decline as fast as Indeed has over the past year and a half I'd stay away, if we are even hiring for those roles..

Airbnb BrianBNB OP Mar 22

Thank you for sharing. Sucks that they took away bonus and reduced refreshers. Seems to be the case for many companies.

Indeed cLp31m Mar 22

It has been a very bleak year here. It still works for me because they do fortunately still allow WFH for engineers (for now...) and pay Austin payband for my extremely LCOL area. But it is not what it used to be by any stretch, and we are a year out from layoffs and every month they are still reducing benefits and cranking up the pressure immensely. Also promotions have been pretty much on hold for over a year unless you're an executive. Not a great place to switch to

Indeed jkunDout Mar 22

Let’s clarify a few things. They didn’t take away bonuses - they’re just much harder to get due to having to do quarterly reviews and they’re given at a certain threshold of quarterly revenue goals. Yes. Quarterly reviews. So if you do well and get your full 20%, if those thresholds aren’t met, you’ll only get 25% of your 20% bonus. As far as benefits, they killed a lot of them that made the place worth the somewhat lower TC. When I came, they gave a signing bonus, a small monthly remote stipend, You Days (one Friday off every month for everyone), a solid, easy to understand bonus and refresher program, and a reasonable WLB. Stipend and You Days are gone. Bonuses are harder to get. Refreshers will now be harder to get and fewer. And some people haven’t even had minimal CoL adjustments for 2+ years. Besides all of this - leadership is at an all-time cluster. There have been no less than 3 re-orgs in 1 year, astonishingly little progress made against the most idiotically heavy planning cycle I’ve ever seen from last year (which seems to be getting worse), and there are rumors of bullying and general harassment happening from at least one of the leaders. I would recommend you stay away for now. There are still good people there, but on the product side, it’s a giant mess.

Indeed greatzugs Mar 23

Oh that's right we got 18% of the bonus we were supposed to get. I'm certain the recruiters won't tell you that. Plus I don't think we could possibly be hiring and if they claim to be they'll just string you along.

Indeed Fire CH+RM Mar 23

Bullying and harassment happens from way more than one of the leaders...

Indeed greatzugs Mar 23

Lol we don't need anymore thanks

Indeed Fire CH+RM Mar 23

The higher up the level at Indeed, the more likely to be over-leveled. Many senior+ ICs and director+ are over-leveled 1-3 levels in terms of knowledge, ability, and scope. It's a certified clown show here. We literally have "senior directors" with a reporting tree of less than 10 people. 🤡

Amazon pXaY40 Mar 24

Sab bakwaas hai. Moh Maaya hai. To hell with the levels.