LayoffsMar 27, 2020

Hard to focus on work

Having a ton of trouble focusing on work. We announced layoffs and the anxiety of knowing if I'm on the list is getting to me (my work productivity has plummeted). We have about a month before we find out and about a month after. I have on-site with Microsoft scheduled in 2 weeks, Amazon OA and Google Phone screen coming up and every ounce of me wants to Leetcode and prepare every hour of the day (I haven't). But I know that's a dick move to my co-workers (could care less about the company). The moral dilemma of working double time to showup for the team vs. being stupid and not focusing on preparing. I'm leaning towards just hitting minimal responsibility and start grinding. Anyone been in a similar situation? EDIT: These people may be my recommenders. I've done good work for the 2.5 years I've been on the team. I'll find a balance to not leave a sour taste in anyone's mouth SWE without CS background (studied EE, so I'm actually learning to close the gap) TC: 100k, 2.5 YOE #layoff #leetcode #selfish

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Amazon str84ward Mar 27, 2020

Know that the best way to deal with unemployment is to find new employment. Having financial safety cushions, a broad network, excellent references and strong skills help a lot. I looked for a job in the heat of the Great Recession and found one within weeks of being laid off. I had to take a job I didn’t like for 1.5 years but it paid the bills and I later got a job I liked much better. Focus on what you can control and not what you cannot.

GE smale OP Mar 27, 2020

I'll strike a balance between the two. I just worry I'm shooting myself in the foot by investing too much time beyond minimum required. Thank you.

Mx998r Mar 27, 2020

Don’t become a bottleneck, and don’t leave your coworkers hanging and lose that goodwill. But, spend as much time as you can prepping for those job interviews.