Has morale improved at Meta?

Tldr: If you were to rate Meta today how would you rate? Meta used to be one of the most sought after companies to work for. I joined at the peak of the metaverse hype. Bright and bushy tailed, I was elated. Then as layoffs started, and the metaverse dreams came crashing down, Meat's rating took a nose dive to 3.9, per Blind. Stipends for remote workers for take away, life@ benefits got cut, MKs everywhere were empty, with no snacks and no drinks. It was all around grim. I lost faith and jumped ship. I still do reflect back to fondly and want to go back, but I wonder if Metamates' sentiments have changed. Are things better now? Has morale significantly improved? If you were to rate Meta today how would you rate? 3 is the lowest option because anything below 3 must be outliers. Tax: 450k, 7 yoe

50 Participants
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Amazon gkK683 Mar 27

Look at the stock

kiYs68 Mar 27

How morale related to stock?

Amazon gkK683 Mar 27

If you are an E5 making $1M up from 400-500k how is your morale?

Microsoft M2Kzs Mar 27

Where did you jump to? Pretty sure 95% of the industry’s morale was all time low anyways

ex-Meta n00glr OP Mar 27


Google ❄️&🥃 Mar 27


Meta TurkeyMami Mar 27

We did our layoffs early.

Google 🦸hero Mar 27

Considering a good chunk of employees have been laid off and the stock has shot back up, I don’t really know how morale can still be at the all time low. It must have gone up, seeing your comp suddenly increase while you did your job as normal. And with so many laid off, there’s not much gain or reason for shareholders to demand more layoffs. Morale was so low when the stock plummeted, and everyone who left reacting to short term dips probably feel some regret knowing that if they stuck around for another year they’d see massive gains.

Meta messydesk Mar 27

What kind of stupid ass poll excludes options below 3 because they must be “outliers”? Should you be excluding anything above 3 too because they also must be outliers?

Meta skіp Mar 27

Where is 0

ex-Amazon corpsl@ve Mar 28

Waiting for next “moment”. It’s brewing