
Healthcare Startups

Hi! Has anyone heard (or works at) of Stellar Health or Centivo? I’m looking for a product manager role in a healthcare startup and previously have 2.5 YOE in PM and implementation work for a patient centric product. I can provide other info as needed, but would appreciate any insight or help! #startup #help #health #healthcare

Amazon j.cole Oct 28, 2021

Most healthcare startups are useless imo. The US healthcare system is inherently broken. Yes you can change the patient/doctor experience with your product (healthcare plan, subscriptions, insurance or whatnot) but ultimately the end customers only care about the quality of care and the price which are impacted by government policies and subsidies. These startups are just wasting investor's money and creating no value in an unfixable market. The addition of more healthcare products will only add more confusion for end customers like you and me.

Salesforce dddsf321 OP Oct 28, 2021

Well Stellar Health is focused on creating VBC though. While I have you here is Amazon care hiring? 😃

Amazon O(N Nov 19, 2021

What’s VBC?