
Healthcare provider , office being bought , don't want to do it again . Career change via bootcamp ? What's possible ?

Healthcare provider , 35 y/o ... due to some some unforseen circumstances I have to sell my office. Did well enough. I'm in NYC area, it's ultra competirive with PE money flooding the field (more info on this at the end ) A couple years ago before buying my office I had considered a career change and going to codesmith , and kind of wish I had. Now I'd be at hopefully 2 yoe etc and have gotten in during a much less competitive time.. I've talked to a few codesmith grads and they all landed 6 figure jobs - but I'm more concerned if there is a path to 250+ TC for bootcamp grads after 2 yoe.. I mean I think I can buckle down and study hard and all that. Undergrad I took up to calc 3 but not discreet math linear algebra stuff. Was lots of chem / organic chem, physics etc. Recently as a test I went though the JavaScript beginner and halfway through intermediate on freecodeacademy . I solved some easy leetcode but prob not the most efficient way.. but got lost on the palindrome one without converting it to a string. Some random pattern math that maybe you absorb after seeing it a few times? Tldr: can I go to a bootcamp, study hard, break in, work hard for a couple years and get to 250k tc? What's work life balance like in real terms, no it relative (fb / Amazon suck etc . What does that actually mean ?) I'm fine w low comp for a few years because my alternative is to go back to residency which will mean 3 years no income + costs of nearly 100k. Or become a cog in the wheel of hell. Can I get to 250-350 TC after bootcamp and few yoe? What is the actual work life balance in tech? Everything discussed on blind is so relative . I currently work 32-34 hrs in direct patient care + hours outside of that + countless sleepless nights And stomaches churning stress. I lost 15 lbs and it's really all stress related., And maybe drinking less . Current TC: 400+ working 4 days / WK, 0 benefits, 0 paid vaca, 0 work from anywhere else... costs dramatically increasing, reimbursements decreasing , employees more demanding and dramatic. Patients extremely demanding, use social media to blackmail you. .. even w all that's shit if I could I'd just keep my office. But it's not in the cards. And tbh I don't enjoy it at all. Future TC working for someone in nyc: 150-200 maybe 250 in 4 days . No benefits or pto. If I went back to residency (which is 3 years no income + net costs of 100k) I'd work 3-4 days a week and have a tc of 200-450 w no benefits . Wife wife works for a bulge bracket and has a great career trajectory but insanity hours. My personal Nw 3.5+ mil once I sell practice and building. Combination of some very lucky re investments in 2010, growing a rental / value add re business over the last 5 years helped by covid, acquiring the building and practice for a low value and growing the practice. and yes some help from the parents to not have totally massive student loans. Cons of office ownership in the future : competing against private equity backed clinics, sucks being a small business owner it's literally the worse. Would be fine to own a multi doc clinic but that's what PE has blown the valuations out if the water so individuals can't even buy them . No opportunities to buy another office without moving to the boonies I don't want to go back into ownership in this environment and I don't want to move to the boonies. likely wouldn't even have an opportunity purchase a nother office once I could get back into practice after surgery. #swe #engineering

Amazon asxa47 Nov 20, 2021

Bro there’s bullshit everywhere. If you’re a doctor I’d stay put

jAAb82 OP Nov 20, 2021

Eh. It's an exceptional situation. I have to sell my office (health issue gonna knock me out for a bit ) . So I'll be taking a major pay cut when I come back. and have 0 benefits... There's zero I'll call out for the day when you own a small business or work in the cog for someone else. No pto. No remote days or weeks.

Amazon asxa47 Nov 20, 2021

With 200-400k TC benefits is a minor issue. Is moving to a more favorable market (different city) an option?

Green Dot Corp. OnlyCoins Nov 20, 2021

I encourage you to try it. If you prepare well, then you might be attractive to atleast healthcare companies. Don't worry too much about the faang naysayers. Many of them are worried about increasing competition and lower tc.

jAAb82 OP Nov 20, 2021

That's what I'm thinking. Like soend 1 month full time prep and study. Gk hard bc. Grind leetcode and other learning for a few months while applying

jAAb82 OP Nov 21, 2021

Bump! Can It be done. I initially thought so but leetcode looks pretty challenging! I looked at Roman numerals this morning some if the streamlined solutions kind of make sense. Granted I haven't even encountered map function and dinner if the other solutions I saw