Heavily invested in Meta and Nvidia

Are these safe for long term holds? Like for 5 years

109 Participants
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sallubhai. Feb 27


Anduril arkenstone Feb 27

In 5 years (and beyond) yes, but between now to 5 years from now its probably gonna be down 50% at one point, just be prepared.

Microsoft 傻逼VR头盔 Feb 27

NV yes, Meta if they keep on layoff when revenue doesn’t increase and if investors are stupid enough then yes.

Meta chat2 Feb 27

Lol. Why are investors stupid to invest in a business that has growing users, usage, revenue, and profit? What more could you want.

Microsoft 傻逼VR头盔 Feb 27

You mean growth after consecutive decline of everything? Grow th?

Yelp sumerian Feb 27

Cash out partially when nvidia hits $900 and Meta hits $500