Hey Msft PM interviewees!

Been at Msft for almost a year now and it’s been one of the best decisions of my life. Sad that it took getting pip’d by Amazon to finally make the change. Since there’s a lot of Msft hiring going on at the moment, I’d be glad to share msft notes to help interview prep for those who need it. Just giving back to the community.

Microsoft boredddddd Apr 15

What was your TC change while moving from Amazon to Msft?

Microsoft badboytech Apr 15

post your TC.

Intel $Bubblegum Apr 15

Would you be willing to refer for a kick ass PM with 12+ YoE ?

Amazon Xvoc18 Apr 15

What was your TC and level when you made the move to MSFT? I’m a PMT who is making the same move too.

American Express VsFY83 Apr 15

If you really want to give back to the community, just share here as a message, so others can benefit and MSFT folks can chime in with their POV and insights. Thanks!

Amazon cbyk48 Apr 16

Could you share your notes?

Expedia Group niveuvsj Apr 17

Can you help me get an interview with the hiring manager? No amount of referrals have worked for me.