
High turnover rate for movie platform advertising?

I worked as a creative coordinator at Wild Card Creative (Movie trailer advertising agency) for 3 months until I was unfortunately laid off. My supervisor (who is one of the producers) while training me always said to make sure to not slack off cause I was replaceable and they have no mercy. I brushed it off but turns out he was right. Also heard from other producers that its common in the Movie/show trailer industry to be replaced as coordinator or producer in less than a year and no one is talking about this. Their reasoning for laying me off was because I didn’t meet the demands for the role and wasn’t a right fit but that same week I was getting compliments for my work and being praised. Also, it was convenient how it was right after my probation period ended. I noticed it was busy the first weeks working and then it died down in the fall so I was working less. I did notice some red flags about other employees working overtime constantly with no warning. Is this ethical or normal? Want to know if anyone else experienced this. #entertainment #media #movietrailers #hulu #disney #amazonprimetv #traileragency #advertising #marketing

ITV TVaint4me Dec 16, 2022

That’s media. And it is “normal” in the industry. It finagles the laws for probation periods to blame the employees for the company’s lack of financial resources, making the employees feel inferior and indebted to perform the job of 3 people in 1. They probably always were going to let you go, so they didn’t have to pay benefits, and will continue to hire replacements under the same guise.

shelly_25 OP Dec 19, 2022

Yeah basically, thats the case. I was luckily able to get a lil bit of severance and was able to apply for unemployment but it’s still such a unstable industry to work for. Producers basically had to do 3 jobs in one.