Hints during an interview

Wanted some advice regarding receiving hints during an interview. Say you give an answer to a question correctly but the interviewer wants you to optimize the solution. You get the idea partially but then he gives you hints while solving it and you eventually get the entire solution with the help of the interviewer’s hints. How is this perceived by interviewers? Do they expect you to solve questions without any hints? Or is it common to receive hints to solve questions during interviews? Any advice would be appreciated!

Microsoft kfbuf Jan 20, 2018

Hints can also be a way to see how collaborative you are in the problem solving department. I wouldn't think of it as a bad thing. They want to make sure you're not a douche to work with.

Google p111 Jan 20, 2018

small nudges are fine. like "ah dynamic programming is an interesting idea, but let's just go with the stack algorithm you mentioned earlier." But, lots of hints are a way to make you feel good, even though you've failed. it is pity. I like to end all interviews on a good note, like "Well yeah you pretty much got it," even though you've missed a lot of key points and I'm giving you a "Leaning No Hire" recommendation. you need to make a really strong come back to recover. hints aren't free, find a way to make up for them.

Amazon LaserCatEi Jan 21, 2018

What the fuck man. Grow a backbone and provide clear feedback. If you expected something else, be clear at the end of the interview at least. No one comes to interviews to get your pity. Don't waste their time. You are the type of person I don't like to work with. Agrees face to face, but backstabs afterwards.

Microsoft ( • )( • ) Jan 21, 2018

I totally agree with lasercatei. I fucking hate this kind of interviewer. Just give us an honest feedback, we are not 5yo kids and we value honest negative feedback more than fake positive feedback that gives us false hope..

Lyft muuh100k Jan 20, 2018

I find them annoying because they are internal representations of someone else's brain. Like the time I was using a linked list AS A F*ING queue but the interviewer was trying to hint me towards queue without saying "queue". He even went so far as list all the data structures you know.

Amazon LaserCatEi Jan 21, 2018

Well if you need a queue, please use a queue.

Microsoft richardhea Jan 20, 2018

Your recruiter has no idea how to solve most of the problems you will encounter in an interview. You cannot expect meaningful hints form him or her. They won’t be present with you during the interview anyway. 🍆

Microsoft ilive@home Jan 20, 2018

I think OP meant interviewer

Cisco AsGoLZ OP Jan 21, 2018

Yup interviewer. Sorry for the confusion. Updated the post

Genesys Jan 21, 2018

Depends on how big the hints were and the level of the role you are interviewing for. A good interviewer gives you feedback regardless at the end of the interview.