Tech IndustryAug 22, 2019

Hiring events for LGBTQ people

In the right spirits of D&I are there any hiring events for LGBTQ people? I see lot of companies trying to hire women in Grace Hopper event. Is there something for LGBTQ too?

눈_눈 Aug 22, 2019

Lesbians who tech + allies. I haven't been so I can't say but that's one I've seen. There are also LGBTQIA events at GHC

mvpppppppp Aug 22, 2019

Isn’t SF the capital of “G” in our country? It’s actually not really a minority in tech.

Stunt Aug 22, 2019

Does that mean, if I say I’m gay I get hired easier?

눈_눈 Aug 22, 2019

Time to be gay

Docker λ ☕ -> 😌 Aug 22, 2019

Naw, it just means I can seek out employment at companies that won't fire me when add my husband to my health insurance policy. Or talk about him at work, or bring him to the holiday party. Cause most states don't have laws making any of that illegal and I'm not going to subject myself to that ever again.

Microsoft vTk96 Aug 22, 2019

LGBTQ is not a target D&I hiring group (at least for Microsoft). I think similar for other companies. Not sure why, but I think it is because there are already a lot of them employed in tech so it is not an underrepresented group.

Google Uusl71 Aug 22, 2019

+1 to above, LGBTQ representation in tech (at least relative to the labor market) isn't underrepresented like some other groups. So while there are lots of efforts to promote acceptance, inclusion, and pride. There's not as much focus on recruitment specifically. Though Google does have a major presence in Pride-esque events

Microsoft brSK35 Aug 22, 2019

How do they check of you actually are gay or not ? I think s straight person can lie about sexual orientation and get hired.

NVIDIA borf Aug 22, 2019

Probably need to "pray the straight away" if you want to get into one of these exclusive events

NVIDIA borf Aug 22, 2019

Why can't they just join regular hiring events? 🙄

IBM thinkbee Aug 22, 2019

They can but people have been told they're oppressed and the only solution is discrimination and voting for certain people in power.

NVIDIA borf Aug 22, 2019

Sounds like propaganda, every group doesn't need their own event, safe space, protected class, ..... just go do your best in the real world

AT&T MsdR32 Aug 22, 2019

I think one of the reasons you won't see outreach for this group is it's often not immediately apparent who fits into the groups. With racial and sexual diversity it's pretty visibility apparent, but I think (correct me if I'm wrong) LGBTQ shouldn't come across immediately in am interview. They don't care about your personal life and aren't going to ask about it, and in this industry it's unlikely (correct me if I'm wrong again) to come up when solving coding problems.