Tech IndustryFeb 13, 2020

Hiring managers πŸ€”

Any Hiring Manager looking to hire a new grad? I have done more than 550 LC, 3 publications, many research and internship experiences, and have many cool projects in my GitHub?

Flagged by the community.
fXki12 OP Feb 13, 2020

Needs a lot of practise.

NXP xduciBoys Feb 13, 2020

You guys really light up the πŸ”₯

Amazon 26vzho2 Feb 13, 2020

Who gives a shit about the number of LC you have done?

Adobe ObrT21 Feb 13, 2020

Indirectly, your company does lol I wouldn't advertise it like OP though. I like to pretend I was born into the thug life