Why do I feel like this?

Hi all. Looking for some honest advise or not sure what I'm looking for. Recently I've just been unhappy at work, I quit my last job thinking another job/another role would make me happy so I accepted it. It was more money (about 50k more). My previous employer really wanted me to stay, saying they would promote me etc ( story for another day) - when leaving they said every company has its own problems. And currently I find myself unhappy in my new job. I wonder if it's karma as their words keep haunting me. Basically the work I'm doing now is not impactful at all, 70% is like approving invoices or troubleshooting the invoicing system lol- I have a strong technical background in data & Analytics and project/program management and I strive on the fast pace life of projects which I'm not getting out of this role. Recently I got rejected from apple (twice at the final on site) and I've just been feeling really unworthy because of those experiences as well. I've already spoken to my current mgr about the lack of meaningful work I'm doing.I could continue passing day by day but I feel it's a waste of my skills that I've worked so hard to achieve. What should I do? Am I being ungrateful? I'm so worried about my career that it's all I think and worry about...I'm also constantly networking and applying for various jobs...what else can I do to keep my morale high/deal with job rejections/keep myself motivated etc? Tc 165

GitHub akcbie Mar 21, 2022

Find meaning outside of work

IBM codingwiz Mar 21, 2022

Go back to prev employer. They’ll give you a lot more money.

Google 5r566gyyr Mar 21, 2022

Make a list of companies that you want to get into, don't just stick to one (Apple in your case) Apply and give interviews at most companies, if you get an offer from a company outside the list, use it only for negotiating and don't go there even if it is the only one you have.

Starbucks cizu OP Mar 21, 2022

Thanks, that's great advice.

Starbucks cizu OP Mar 21, 2022

In your opinion, is going through a recruiter most effective in landing an interview or applying online?

WToN07 Mar 21, 2022

How you feel about the work you do is of utmost importance. All your effort now in changing your position will be so worth it a few years down