Tech IndustryDec 17, 2023

How are sfdc customers ?

At gcp some customers (the big ones , maybe the smaller ones too but I would not know ) treat us horrible (some are great some are just too scared about unrealistic commitments they make to their management and treat gcp consultants pretty bad ) .. just plain rude … (depending on what level in the hierarchy they are talking to ) Is that the same in sfdc also ? Aws ? Workday ? Etc ? - 200

Microsoft chimchanga Dec 17, 2023

Non technical end users always suck. Depends who you are deal with

xhlfbdbyrc OP Dec 17, 2023

Hmm .. I have seen some end users (business ) that are comparotivly polite and are great to work with I see on the IT side (architects , managers and directors ) who are pretty rude and inconsiderate