Tech IndustryJul 14, 2021

How do I get a mentor?

I see many people with mentors and I'm so curious as to how everyone snagged themselves a successful tech leader to mentor them. I wonder what I'm doing wrong when reaching out to people in LinkedIn Are mentors supposed to find you, like the cliche imposes?

Google fte45v Jul 14, 2021

How much are you offering to pay them?

h17112 Jul 14, 2021

A good mentor will never charge.

Google fte45v Jul 14, 2021

hitting up rando’s on LinkedIn and expecting 1-1 mentor sessions with them for free is laughable

Salesforce gdhv Jul 14, 2021

What do you say when you reach out ?

F5 Networks JAD20 Jul 14, 2021

Following on how to find one.

Shell gytyry Jul 14, 2021

Write a message to people on LinkedIn. Tell them you like their career history and are inspired, want some tips and ask your questions. What's the worst that can happen?