How do dividends affect RSU vesting?

Part of the deal with RSUs as part of your compensation is that you gain when the company share value grows. With dividends, however, the value of a share drops whenever the dividend is paid. Is the net result that we're just SOL on the amount the stock dropped? Or do we get vested dividends as our stock units vest (like if there was a total of $1/share paid between the award date and vesting date, you'd get $1 cash when it vests)?

Apple iamburrito Apr 25

You can typically choose to reinvest dividends on unvested shares

Google blindly__ Apr 25

Wait really? That's awesome I didn't know that

PayPal 8eXhwDgH Apr 25

Seriously? I fucking love this app

Amazon TrumpUGrad Apr 25

Google doesn’t pay a dividend?

Google Goоgle OP Apr 25

We just announced it

Google Goоgle OP Apr 25

They've announced that basically we get extra shares based on the amount of dividends we would have received and the vesting share price.