How do you deal with failure?

Is there someone who feels to be a looser who achieived nothing in life? I am 30 years old guy who works as a consultant in Accenture ( not in the US ) . I joined Accenture after I got laid off without any warning from a small company during my probation period at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. I get very depressed when I read about the money that people can make in the US at my age and I am blaming myself for making too many career mistakes. There are no opportunities in my country, only dull low paid consulting jobs. I see my university classmates who managed to land a job abroad in MBB or FAANG while in my case I cannot even see a real career progression, I've never got a promotion, I got promoted only by switching jobs. This is really affecting both my health and my life. How do you deal with failure, expecially if you are ambitious? I was thinking about applying to a good MBA program to try to restart my career but I feel I have nothing to show and no chances to get in, everyone seems better than me. #career

Kohl’s 😡@kohls Sep 24, 2021

dont do mba. not worth it anymore.

Rubrik ZaKingSlyr Sep 24, 2021

You need to tell a different story. MBA means nothing if it doesn’t come with some experience, which you have and need to figure out how to show what you’ve gained from them. Saying it is full shows immaturity.

Change Healthcare greyhuman Sep 24, 2021

30 is very young. If you start today you can achieve everything you want by 32. Learn something, do hard work, stop blaming, start doing.

Microsoft fcookie Sep 24, 2021

It’s never too late to pursue your dream. But you have to start where you are. Start slow and gain momentum slowly.

Salesforce 8Mlz3vXHEv Sep 25, 2021

Don't be impressed by their salaries because: - They might live in a city where the cost of living is expensive - Healthcare isn't free in the US, and health insurance is very expensive - It could be a troll etc. My career started when I was 30yo. If you're unhappy with your current situation, it's maybe the time to make some changes in your life! Stay strong and work harder until you're happy with the situation! Also never let anyone pushing you down.

Singtel 14all Sep 28, 2021

Hey, I can relate and sort of in the same boat. Working hard in my early 20s and managed to move up from small company to big corporate. Joined not too long ago, but starting to feel overwhelmed by the bureaucracy/ slow process. I am missing that sort of freedom and flexibility when I was working for smaller companies. Sometimes, I think if only I didn't have to worry about money so that I could choose to work for smaller company again. How do you guys deal and maintain the focus to stay in the rat race?