How do you maintain focusing on interview prep along with stress?

For people who are going through a lot of stress might understand me better. I have been trying to start interview prep, but been going through a lot of stress. My life is a continuous roller coaster where something or the other keeps happening - sometimes to my health, my parents health, money issues, family issues, I am right now coming out of a disastrous breakup (they kept cheating) and on top of that lot of work stress.. working around 10 hours a day. Stress spirals me down into depressed state and then I am unable to focus on interview prep and instead will waste time on watching useless YouTube videos to make me feel better. Problems have been going in cycles for over a year now, so even if I start prepping, it's becoming hard to be consistent and to maintain the focus. Anyone here who interview prepped while going through stress? Any tips? Really need to switch to increase my salary once market gets better. YOE - 12 TC - 160K

Itential FTCJ17 Jul 7, 2023

Going through the same things except the breakup. We can connect OP and help each other with the interview process though I have less experience than you. YOE 4

VMware dhyxk Jul 7, 2023

Same here. Feel stuck and trying to get out since last two years. DM me too