
How does one buy Reddit stock?

I think they’re bonkers…

Meta yoyoyoyo!! Feb 17, 2022

If you think meta has problems…. Just wait till Reddit is IPO…

Ancestry NovP48 Feb 17, 2022

What do you mean? Reddit is going to tank?

Square IIIllIIIll OP Feb 17, 2022

Supposedly Reddit’s valuation is $15bn. I’m buying at $15bn…

Twitter l33tcoder! Feb 17, 2022

Twitter is going to crush Reddit 😃

Square IIIllIIIll OP Feb 17, 2022

You think so? The problem with Twitter is that it’s not very easy to use or navigate. Subreddits are way easier to navigate and find than hashtags. Also not as full of bots.

Amazon tvknfnidun Feb 17, 2022

completely different use cases

Wish ySfe02 Feb 17, 2022

Problem with Reddit is that once it ipos, it will most likely shut down a lot of the nsfw threads which supposedly get the most attraction. Might also shut down ws who knows. Once it’s public it has to appeal to investors. You can’t be having prn on Reddit and having it public . I think price will bear

Spotify theyeti Feb 17, 2022

We already saw it happen to Tumblr. Reddit would likely follow the same path.

Wish ySfe02 Feb 17, 2022

I didn’t even know tumblr had nsfw, then again I did use it like 10 years ago

R1 RCM Live! Feb 17, 2022

Google farmtech Feb 18, 2022

Why not

Uber phjdns Feb 18, 2022

I use Reddit regularly and till date have not seen a single relevant ad. On top of that it is full of meme and nsfw. How does one even monetize such content ?