How hard is it to get your first job at Google/Facebook?

Is it still well regarded like before? For those of you who vote no, please comment which other company is the best place for a new grad to develop their skills and reputation? OpenAI and Anthropic are very niche for folks who are deep into specific verticals of AI research. HRT and Jane Street/HFT are not for everyone.

76 Participants
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Reddit lbok May 5

I mean.. it’s a dream for a new grad. More so than experienced engineers. That’s true for any industry. The well known companies are the most sought after, then you can move to smaller, more specialized and higher paying companies when you get more experience.

Meta UYJG21 May 5

Can you give an example of higher paying smaller companies than Meta?

Google hth67fg OP May 5

Airbnb and Figma?

Goldman Sachs GingerHair May 5

How hard is it to be a leetcode monkey ?

Meta wGbC21 May 5

Then why are you still at Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs GingerHair May 5

I am a quant. Quant is more prestigious than SWE

Instacart YdOP30 May 6

Are you still living in 2021

Microsoft WHye63 May 6

Its hard only because of team matching where you need to be super lucky. Interviews are a joke, too easy.

Google hth67fg OP May 6

Then why are you still at Microsoft?

Microsoft WHye63 May 6

Because I cannot team match. I passed the HC for Google twice. Last time I passed and team matched for NYC team, but the team lost headcount. I need a role in NYC, if Google gives me one, I will gladly join. I will not move away from East coast, I live in NYC and want to stay here until I die.