Security CareerMay 9, 2020

How is the SEAR (security architecture) org at Apple?

I have a call with them. Wanted to know the wlb of this org in general. yoe- 2.5 tc- 135k

Walmart repeats Oct 2, 2020

How was your interview OP?

Apple kk0l Apr 15, 2021

Unethical and clueless aussie crew. They don’t care about the company or customers. They care about power and their careers. They place their “cool kids” in places of power and impact. All they do ist congratulate themselves to give themselves more power. Management is aware. Many respected seniors are leaving.

Juniper jd_ Apr 15, 2021

What is a good team/org to join at Apple then ?

Walmart repeats Apr 15, 2021