
How long will the interviews result come back after loop?

Updated 2: I didn’t get the job, has to chase down to finally receive the email. They said my interview was great but they chose someone has more seniority. Updated 1: HR said they have no updates because they have to finish all interviews :sad: Recently interviewed with Expedia but haven’t got any results, does anyone know their timeline? The website said within 2 weeks, do they take that long? If I get rejected, will they provide feedback? Location: US Thank you

Samsung tbBl80 Jan 29

Which location?

Amazon lessstress OP Jan 29


Samsung tbBl80 Jan 29

Feedback takes about a week. I doubt they'd give feedback

Expedia Group HBhv44 Jan 29

When did you interview

Amazon lessstress OP Jan 29

I interviewed last week, it has been 5 business days should I email HR? I don’t know when is a good rule of thumb to send follow-up

Amazon betterin24 Jan 29

Hey Expedia if recruiter/HM still interview other candidates and review their options, is it a bad sign? :(

Amazon r.butter Jan 29

What level was your loop for?

Amazon betterin24 Jan 30

I think it was K level

Amazon r.butter Jan 31

OP any updates here?

Expedia Group goaway! Feb 5

For hiring event, you would probably know the result on the same day