Tech IndustryMay 3, 2019

How many have got more than one shot at FAANGs?

I have been through interviews with all of the FAANGs each in the last one year. G has 1 year wait-time (improvement), biding it. Amazon has 6 months, already over. Applied and still waiting 😕 Heard NO wait time in MSFT and Apple. Applied to both BUT hasn’t heard back yet ☹️. FB was done with in phone screen itself. I am assuming they have an Year or 6 month as well although recruiter said, I could apply to any other position immediately but for the one I failed the screening. How many of you have been through this? Approached earlier by the recruiters of these big tech giants, went through interviewing, rejected and now when you literally begging them to interview again(companies and not recruiter) after cooling period, you don’t hear at all. I believe in Karma and feels entitled (pun intended) to be given another shot at it 😅

Microsoft UseDeFeet May 3, 2019

I’ve worked at most of them. Just bragging.

Intel wIFr32 OP May 3, 2019

Spill some beans please, would you 😉!

Oath xDTL17 May 3, 2019

I've interviewed and reinterviewed with all the fang's. Some multiple time. Right now is my 4th or 5th time with G? I actually made it to team matching so it's looking good haha

Intel wIFr32 OP May 3, 2019

Congratulations @xDTL17

old? May 3, 2019

3 times FB. 5 times G. 1 time N. 3 times Amazon. 3 times Apple (got in at some point). Most attempts were from 2009 to 2013. So a while back when I didn’t understand what it takes to get in and kept trying blindly since they let me do it (contacted me back a few times). Never give up. Planning another round this year but this time I did all the needful (LC, sys design, etc). So I’m aiming for a strike and will double my TC.

bumerang May 3, 2019

Did you Google before going for interview at Google?

old? May 3, 2019

Not even. LC was not a thing back in 2009-2013

Google dCyj41 May 3, 2019

If you really failured interviews at all of then, then you should step back and get some more experience (real experience not leetcode) before reappling. Somebody who failed every big tech companies interviews is unlikely to pass in six months.

Intel wIFr32 OP May 4, 2019

Agree. Sometimes luck plays a part as well. Almost cleared MSFT but someone else with relevant experience edged me out!!