How many of you are affected by Diabetes ?

Just curious about the health. Tc : 225k You:20+

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Facebook ⭕w⭕ Jun 4, 2019

I bet a lot of Indians engineers I see here with their bulging guts already have diabetes but either don't realize it or don't care or both.

Qualcomm dexstart OP Jun 4, 2019

How should we raise awareness ?

Salesforce glang Jun 4, 2019

A lot of the Indian diets I see here are very heavy in rice and breads. If one is pre disposed this will definitely amplify the likelihood of becoming diabetic.

Microsoft biggysmall Jun 4, 2019

If you are pre-diabetic, seriously consider going on a low carb/keto diet. My A1C went from a pre-diabetic 6.1 to a non-diabetic 5.3 in 4 months of good eating. Doctor was amazed and said to keep on doing what I’m doing. Also lost 40 lbs.

Salesforce glang Jun 4, 2019

There was this experiment done to test glucose sensitivity in relation to sleep. Guy named Matthew Walker, he’s a neuroscience professor and sleep expert at Berkeley. The experiment showed that body tissue biopsied from someone who is on 5 hrs sleep the night before is only 50% as insulin sensitive as someone who slept for 8 hours. So if you need motivation to sleep more, this makes a drastic difference.

Porsche996 Jun 4, 2019

I ate donuts for last three weeks every day. Almost a dozen each day. Would I have diabetes?

Microsoft biggysmall Jun 4, 2019

You may not get diabetes right now but keep it up and you will. I’m sure your blood sugar is plenty elevated but to start damaging your body

Porsche996 Jun 4, 2019

How can I undo this?